
  Chess piece - King
   This is the simple object of the chess game. He's pretty much worthless. But that's the rule of the chess, like it or not, you have to have a king. The king is always the tallest piece on the chessboard and the king chess piece will usually have a cross-like object on top. he can only move on square at a time but he can move toward, backward, left, right and diagonally like "X" Shape. you have to keep him safe and well protected!

Image of king's moves

Chess piece - Queen

      Unlike the king, the queen is no figure-head. She's the most powerful chess piece you have on the chessboard. the queen usually  looks like a queen in the sense that she'll have a crown. something with nice sharp points. according to the rules of playing chess, she can move vertically, horizontally and diagonally just as many squares she wants (without jumping other chess pieces). So you will want to be careful and not give her up too carelessly or without a steep price to your opponent.

Image of Queen's moves

Chess piece - Bishop

      The Bishop, well, i guess you could say the top of the chess piece looks sort of like a bishop hat. Most bishop also have a cut near the top resembling that of a mouth. There are two bishops, always one on a light square and one on a dark square. Chess rules say that bishop move like the queen except the can't move forward, backward, left or right Diagonally only just as many spaces as desired without jumping another chess piece. Because bishop move diagonally, they will always remain on their original square color as per the rules of chess. So if in the middle of a chess game you notice either your opponent or your bishop are on the same color square something's gone very wrong.

Image of Bishop's moves

Chess piece - Knight
     The Knight is the most unique chess piece you have! Not only does it usually resemble a horse, it is the only chess piece that can jump over another chess piece or pieces according to chess rules. The knight's move is rather different. Think of the move as "L"Shaped-two squares either forward, backward, left or right and then left or right one square. This special feature, being able to jump, can make the knight a very useful chess piece early in the game.

Image of Knight's moves

Chess piece - Rook

    The rook is also called the castle by some and it actually looks like a castle or at least a castle tower. The rook, as per chess rules, moves just like the queen except it can't move diagonally. just forward, backward, left and right but as many space as desired without jumping other chess pieces.

Image of Rook's moves

Chess piece - Pawn

    The poor little pawns are put out in front right in harms way while the other guys are hiding back behind as per the rules of playing  chess. they're expected to advance out in front and take the brunt of an oncoming attack or serve as a shield. it seems rather unfair considering they're pretty defenseless. These chess piece are allowed to only move one square at a time by the rules of chess. However, in their first move, they can move two squares if they want. They can only move straight forward-no retreating for these soldiers according of the chess rules. And they can only capture one of the enemy by approaching diagonally. but according the chess rules, if one of these brave little soldiers can make it to the other side, the are rewarded with a promotion-to a any other chess piece excluding king. Choose the Queen!

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